The Seaboard Foundation

The Mission of Seaboard Foundation is to support education, improve food security, and promote animal welfare/outreach in the communities in which we operate.

The Foundation shall be operated for exempt purposes which fall within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, but otherwise shall not be limited to any particular area, program or activity. At the discretion of its Board of Directors, the Foundation may decide to either broaden or narrow its focus and/or make substantial changes in the Foundation’s grant-making activities.

Board of Directors

Ellen Bresky – President
Eli Bresky – Vice President-Secretary
David Rankin – Vice President-Treasurer
Michael Schultz – Director

Grant Information

The Seaboard Foundation has established new request and reporting requirements for grantees seeking funding. The Grant Request and Reporting Form is the only acceptable means of requesting a grant for consideration by the Seaboard Foundation.



Submissions may be made by mail or email, as noted on the form, and must include:

    • Fully completed Grant Request and Reporting Form
    • Organization details and overview
    • Report of previous grant usage, if applicable
    • Organization’s most recent financial statement, and a list of trustees and board directors

All grant requests are due on or before October 2. Early submission is encouraged and appreciated. Incomplete submissions may be disqualified.

Grant Request and Reporting Form

PDF I Word Document

Please send completed forms, supplemental documents and any questions to


An integrated food company producing premium pork products for both domestic and international markets.

A premier ocean transportation company providing direct, regular service.

A trading and milling division that consists of vertically integrated commodity trading, processing and logistics companies.

Generates facilities in the Dominican Republic and consists of a system of diesel engines mounted on a floating barge.

One of the largest producers of turkey products in the U.S.

Mount Dora Farms processes jalapeno peppers at its plant located in Comayagua, Honduras.

Supplies alcohol, sugars & biofuels to industries in the Argentina market.